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IS A MIRROR of the old Korean power structure. Male bonding and prostitution on the sly. Women serving. Men playing, discussing, or just breathing quietly among fellow males. Bosses, workers, drunks and fallouts, age a dissolving liquid. It´s welcoming, clean, beautiful and peaceful too, the park. In the midst of a most crowded, noisy and hectic part ot the city. Jongno. If you find Korea hard to understand, Pagoda Park, or Tapgol Park among locals, after the buddhist pagoda at the center of the park is a good start.

Kjersti Botnedal Photography Foto Oslo Mobile 90677265 Carl Berner gentrification mothers factory workers vandalism seoul Pagoda Park riga Hjørnet Oslo s

© Kjersti Botnedal, 2021

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